In 2007 ANMVI started up a project of international cooperation with veterinary organizations, universities and political institutions both intra ed extra EU.
The aim is to develop relationship and to share knowledge and technical know-how in public and private veterinary systems. ANMVI International activities focus on food safety (animal origin products).
Seminar, courses and stages are organized by ANMVI International with national and international lecturers. Veterinary students and member of the professions have also the opportunity to enlarge training and education by visiting Italian farms, industry and operators of the food chain.
So far, ANMVI International have established cultural contacts with more than 20 countries (Poland, United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary, Holland, Romania, Spain, Sudan, United States, North African Countries of the Mediterranean Area, Russia).
Partners and contacts:
Italian Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies
Regione Lombardia
University of Parma
EFSA European Food Safety Agency
UEVP Union of European Veterinary Practitioners
WAB World Association for Buiatrics
FEEVA Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations
Fiera Internazionale Bovino da Latte, Cremona
Fiera di Verona
Sicura, Modena
International events:
EXPO 2015, Milan